With the increasing emphasis on sustainable design and energy standards, companies are seeking cost-effective solutions. The Whole Building Design Guide explains that the main goals of sustainable design are “to reduce, or completely avoid, depletion of critical resources like energy, water, and raw materials; prevent environmental degradation caused by facilities and infrastructure throughout their life cycle; and create built environments that are livable, comfortable, safe, and productive.”
Given the cost of new construction, however, sustainable design experts recommend retrofitting existing buildings. Window films offer a good retrofit option, as they are energy efficient and cost-effective. In a recent blog post, we noted one of the additional benefits of installing window films: the opportunity to receive incentives and rebates from energy companies.
The focus on sustainable design is not a new thing among window film industry leaders. In fact, in 1975, 3M became one of the first manufacturing companies to create a formal Environmental Policy. In 1975, the Company also began its voluntary 3M Pollution Prevention Pays (3P) program, “based on the then-novel idea that pollution prevention is both an environmental and a competitive/financial strategy,” 3M states.
3M’s corporate environmental policies include preventing pollution at its source, developing products that have a minimal environmental effect and conserving natural resources through using reclamation materials and other methods.
Cutting energy costs is one of the many benefits of 3M window film. As an authorized window 3M window film leader, Michigan Glass Coatings is able to answer your questions about the installation process. Explore our website, or contact us at 248-364-6667, to learn more about your commercial window film options.