School Protection

Few events are more saddening or terrifying than a mass shooting. Unfortunately, the incidence of these tragedies as been increasing, and few areas are immune — even schools have been targets for deranged people looking to inflict as many causalities as possible, comprising nearly 40 percent of these incidents.
For school administrators, the possibility of such an attack must be taken seriously and school protection measures implemented. However, safety must also be balanced with providing students with an intellectually stimulating and appropriate atmosphere. It is hardly feasible to pat down every single person who enters or leaves the building or hire armed guards to stalk the halls looking for any signs of trouble.
In addition, there are cost concerns. Even if it were possible to hire such security, many schools have very tight budgets that would not allow a massive influx of new overhead. Thus, administrators are tasked with finding a seamless, efficient solution that won’t destroy the bottom line.
For hundreds of schools across the country, that solution is 3M security film. While window film is not bullet-proof, it can provide protection against intrusion and deter a potential attacker for up to two minutes. That 120 seconds could make all the difference when it comes to a potential tragedy — time that can be spent forming a plan, alerting authorities and getting children to a safe place.
While it might not be possible to entirely defeat the risk of gun violence at schools, security window film offers one means of cost-effective protection. Contact Michigan Glass Coatings today to learn more about the solutions we offer to help increase the safety and security of our schools.