Florence County, South Carolina is dimming its old energy consumption practices for energy-saving procedures that will save them millions. One such procedure is to install window films at thirty Florence County facilities. The improvements run close to $6.6 million, but will save more than $432,000 annually and $7.6 million for the county.
Pepco Energy Services, a leader in energy savings performance contracting, came to an agreement with Florence County to install energy efficient equipment across the county. These include fitting light-emitting diode (LED) lighting retrofits, replacing boilers, building water source heat pumping systems, better controlling of ventilation, water conservation procedures and installing window films, to name a few.
"This energy efficiency project required no upfront investment by the county, and based on the attractive rate at which the project was financed, will more than pay for itself over the term of the lease. In addition to the County obtaining new high efficiency equipment, we will also benefit from significant maintenance and other cost savings," says Kevin Yokim, finance director of Florence County.
The project is an extraordinary undertaking that Pepco Energy Services expects to produce close to 3.7 million kilowatts of electrical savings, 14.14 thousand therms of natural gas each year. Florence County should also save around 4.8 million gallons of water annually. By 2020 the county hopes their ambitious venture will also reduce its carbon footprint by 7 million annually and decrease its energy usage by 20.7 percent relative to the project's baseline.
If you want to learn more about how you can save energy in your own office by installing 3m window films call Michigan Glass Coatings today.