6 Reasons to Tint Your Home's Windows

6 Reasons To Tint Your Home’s Windows

This information was posted on the popular website Homerous – Your Home is Your Castle. This particular article focused on six reasons that it makes sense to tint your home’s windows.

6 Reasons to Tint Your Home's Windows

When you hear the words window tinting your first thoughts will likely be about your car. Tinting car windows has been a popular feature for automobiles for a long time. However, window tinting can also be extended to other windows aside from cars. By tinting the windows of your home you gain several advantages.

What follows are six such advantages that not only improve quality of life, but keep you safe as well:

  1. Increased Safety
  2. Save Money
  3. Easy To Use
  4. Good For Your Furniture
  5. Health Reasons
  6. Increases The Value Of Your Home

To see the complete article which fully explains these six reasons, click HERE

The team at Michigan Glass Coatings would like to talk with you about the challenges you are facing, evaluate your specific needs and then suggest a 3M Window Film product that will maintain the beauty of the room while increasing the comfort. Contact us today at 800-999-8468 for an absolutely free evaluation and estimate for having window film professionally installed in your home or office.



  1. Just looking at the picture here, the light is a lot less harsh coming through the tinted side of the glass door. I also hadn’t considered that it would be good for your furniture as well. I’m guessing that the article is referring to the suns ability to cause colors to fade and wear out. This would be a good reason to apply the tint.

    1. Author


      Exactly. Where there is a heat and glare problem, typically a faded furnishing problem is close behind. The film helps address the heat and glare and as an added benefit will extend the life of your furnishings as well.

  2. Can people not see in your house with this?
    I’m looking for something to keep the sun from beating in my living room.

    1. Author

      There are some films that offer “daytime privacy”. This means that the film will have a mirror-like appearance from the outside during the day. However, once it is brighter inside the house than outside the house, the film will not provide privacy (i.e. at night).

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