Solar Control Window

The market for solar control windows is expected to grow

Previous articles have discussed the increasing use of solar control windows. A recent report by Lux Research confirms that solar control windows are here to stay. Lux’ report anticipates that the worldwide market for solar control window film market will double in size by 2018, from  $479 million to $863 million in 2018. This is a 10 percent annual growth rate.

One of the reasons for the high growth is solar control window films’ comparatively low price compared to other options.

Solar control films, compared to the alternatives, such as switchable glazings, aerogel glazings, and daylighting skylights, offer a much shorter payback period. On average, switchable glazings and aerogel glazings have a 10 year payback period, whereas window films typically have a shorter, 2-5 year payback period. While daylighting skylights have a similar payback period to solar window films, they are a much higher capital investment, explains senior Lux analyst Aditya Ranade.

Other major factors leading to the market’s expected strong growth are an increasing emphasis on energy security and regulation. Increasingly strict building codes, especially regarding managing heat, will likely to contribute to solar control windows’ growth, reports Lux.

Europe’s Net Zero Energy Building (nNZEB) will ensure a high demand for solar control films there. Asia-Pacific is expected to grow at 20 percent per year, in large part driven by the adoption of the energy efficient Passive House in Korea and China.

Compared to Europe and Asia, U.S. projected growth is less strong. However, the Report suggests that the Eastern and Western United States, which have strong solar control window support at a state and local level, will see demonstrable growth.

If you are interested in learning more about solar control windows, contact Michigan Glass Coatings. We have a wide variety of options, including the industry leading 3m sun control window film.

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